Already Expecting and Planning a VBAC

Pregnant again and preparing to VBAC can seem daunting, especially with a toddler. But there is so much support available to you and you are not alone in this journey! These resources, lists and suggestions are meant to be a starting place if you don’t know where to begin. As educators – we would like you to find good support first, from moms who have had successful VBAC experiences. You will find that it took action steps, determination and forward thinking in how they set themselves up for success. Early information is always better because you have more choices available for THIS baby’s birth. We have (2) VBAC specialists who can help you navigate your choices/options and guide you through the process if you live out of state etc.

Your VBAC To Do List:

  • Evaluate your care provider (it’s almost never too late to change)
  • Get a VBAC trained Doula or one with a lot of VBAC experience
  • Get Educated, as much as your childcare and time will allow
  • Get your mind and soul ready for labor and birth
  • Get your body and baby’s position ready for labor and birth


  • HypnoBirthing (if time and childcare allow)
  • VBAC 101 Class(local)
  • Release & Relax(local)

Physical Preparation

  • Body Balancing with Nicole Morales(local) or Spinning Babies practitioner in your area
  • Chiropractor
  • Physical Therapy/Scar work
  • Acupuncture

Emotional Preparation

  • EMDR – trauma work, no drugs involved, best to do before pregnant but can be done
  • Hypnotherapy – amazing tool to reset your mind and lessen fears
  • Talk Therapy
  • ICAN of San Diego(or local chapter in your area)
  • Birth Story Listening – processing the last birth

All group classes are held online with everyone’s cameras on to cultivate the intimacy between families.

We have no date yet for returning to in-person group classes.