
Welcome to the Birth Education Center Podcast!

My name is Care Messer, I’m an entrepreneur, childbirth educator birth and postpartum doula and the mom of two girls. I also have two, sweet Pomeranians who happen to run my life!

I’m so glad you’re here. This podcast is more than just birth education. Hypnobirthing and becoming a doula started my advocacy but quickly I realized that our patriarchal, maternal health care system is not set up for us. Our nations cesarean rate grows each year as does our maternal and infant death rate. The only way to change this is for consumers(you and I) to become more educated and choose what works for us, as individuals – not the masses. Birth is big business for these corporations and keeping us uninformed and afraid is how they make more money at our family’s expense.

Stay tuned for our first episode released on September 7th, starting off with education and science from the very beginning. Who are YOU?, What was passed down to you(genetics, family history, stories, habits etc.)? How will that affect your baby right from the beginning?

Birth stories begin before your baby is even conceived and we’re here to talk about it.

Join us as we create discussions around connection, finding and using your voice and of course, birth stories!

Subscribe now so you don’t miss a thing!


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All group classes are held online with everyone’s cameras on to cultivate the intimacy between families.

We have no date yet for returning to in-person group classes.