Birth Education Center Blog

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Do You Have The Right Doctor?

By: Care Messer Advocacy, Hypnobirthing, Podcast July 18, 2024

The importance of self-advocacy in a business-oriented healthcare system cannot be stressed enough. Our discussion today aims to help parents understand they are empowered already as expectant families to choose a supportive care provider and navigate the healthcare system confidently. I feel like so many…

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How To Be A Birth Advocate

By: Care Messer Advocacy, Birth Doula, Podcast March 21, 2024

Todays show is all about advocacy in the birth room. While this episode is the third in our World Doula Week shows, I also don’t want to limit it just to doulas because parents will be using these skills in prenatal appointments and pediatric appointments…

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All group classes are held online with everyone’s cameras on to cultivate the intimacy between families.

We have no date yet for returning to in-person group classes.