Birth Education Center Blog

Katie’s VBAC – a Transformative Journey from Hospital to Home Birth
In this episode, Katie contrasts her two births. Her first birth led to a cesarean that was unplanned and unwanted. Katie’s hope is that her lessons can serve as teaching tools and warnings for new parents to get educated early, find the best support and…

How to have a VBAC: Part 3, Emotional and Physical Readiness
Episode three of our VBAC series delves into the journey of preparing for a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). We cannot emphasize enough the importance of emotional and physical readiness. We want you to look at your stuff- the challenging stuff and the parts that…

How to have a VBAC: Part 2, Finding the Right Supportive Provider
In this episode of the VBAC series, Ashley and I discuss the challenges of finding a supportive provider for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). In part two of this series, we discuss the importance of choosing a provider who genuinely supports VBAC, rather than…

How To Have A VBAC Part One
Overcoming Fear and Preparing for VBAC Success This is the first in a series on VBAC. In this episode, Ashley and I focus on the complexities and considerations surrounding Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). We are talking about the importance of self-forgiveness for what you…

How To Prepare For A VBAC!
How do you prepare for a VBAC? Well – Beth did all the things! Beth took Hypnobirthing with us for her first birth and things didn’t quite go as planned. In this video, she talks about the unmet labor expectations and the tools she used…

I Had a Natural Birth After Having a C-Section
What is a VBAC? It’s the acronym for “Vaginal Birth After Cesarean.” One of our HypnoBirthing, VBAC moms shares her story, along with her husband. The tips and tools they used and how they made it to the hospital in time for 4 pushes and…