Birth Education Center Blog

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Can I Have A Natural Birth? A Birth Story

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing November 18, 2020

Elana and Rafik came into class with a lot of fear and a lot of questions. Over the course of the five weeks, there were more smiles and a doula was hired! Not only did they rock a natural birth, but they did it with…

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Are Birth Classes Really Needed? | This OB says Yes!

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing November 18, 2020

Are birth classes really needed? This OB says YES! Dr. Capetanakis is one of San Diego’s best OB’s. In this video he describes the importance of education as a means to empower yourselves no matter what kind of birth you are planning for your baby.…

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Best Birth Book To Read | Labor Like A Goddess

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy July 17, 2020

What you read matters during pregnancy and so does the time and effort you put in to preparing! Many of our “main stream” birth books are full of fear and remind you of the things that can go wrong in pregnancy, labor and delivery. But…

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Do I Need A Birth Class?

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing July 10, 2020

For this chiropractor and his wife, having a long, first birth showed them a few things they wanted to change up for this next one. Home birth and more intimate care from one on one midwives was the first change they made. With a few…

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How To Prepare For A Natural Birth

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing July 2, 2020

Hypnobirthing classes made the difference for this couples birth preparation. When Sami first found out she was pregnant, the words that ran though her mind were cesarean, morning sickness and pain. She’s also “throw-up-a-phobic” so that didn’t help her mindset either! Luckily, a few friends…

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Be Your Best Advocate…

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing June 25, 2020

In part two of Vanessa and Eva’s birth story, we are talking about advocacy. Out of hospital education can explain what your options are for birth BUT it is you who need to make your voice heard and advocate for yourself. In this video, Vanessa…

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It’s Your Baby’s Birth | A Birth Story

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing June 20, 2020

Part one of a TWO week video series! For Vanessa and Eva, having solid education was important for planning what kind of birth they wanted for their daughter. As classes progressed, Vanessa and Eva’s confidence in their bodies’ ability to birth grew solid. It was…

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When Should I Start Birth Classes?

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing May 27, 2020

When Should I Start Birth Classes? You will get many answers as to when you should start Hypnobirthing classes. Obviously, taking classes before labor begins is a great time! Each family unit is unique so here are a few things you should consider. The first,…

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Why Would You Switch To Home Birth?

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing May 14, 2020

Why would you move from a straightforward hospital birth to switching into a home birth at 39 weeks? Because you need to feel safe with your health care provider and you have choices in who that is. As the parents of this new baby, the…

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Can You Have A Natural Birth When Induced?

By: Care Messer Hypnobirthing May 2, 2020

Can you have a natural birth when induced? Yes, and you’ll need all the tools to help you through it! This couple spent the last 5 weeks of their pregnancy in Hypnobirthing class where they gathered tools they needed for the “plan” and “the unexpected,”…

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All group classes are held online with everyone’s cameras on to cultivate the intimacy between families.

We have no date yet for returning to in-person group classes.