Birth Education Center Blog

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Boundaries With Grandparents

By: Care Messer Grandparents, Podcast, Postpartum July 18, 2024

This episode is a must-listen for pregnant parents or grandparents eager to support their loved ones in the most respectful and helpful way. Kimberly Beppler is my guest today. Kimberly has been a Postpartum Doula for over 25 years. She is a Lactation Consultant and…

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Finding Connection During Postpartum

By: Care Messer Podcast, Postpartum, Sex & Intimacy June 13, 2024

Dr. Rose is back and this time we are talking about your relationship during the postpartum time. There are so many complexities for sex, intimacy and even wanting to be touched in postpartum relationships. (see episode 022 from Season 1 to hear Rose talk about…

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Mental Health For Pregnancy

By: Care Messer Mental Health, Podcast, Postpartum March 14, 2024

Postpartum mental health is beginning to be recognized more in mainstream media. But what about pregnancy mental health? Did you know that signs of postpartum depression or the risks for developing it can start during pregnancy? In today’s show I have Beth Warren, a LCSW…

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Do I Need a Postpartum Doula?

By: Care Messer Podcast, Postpartum, Postpartum Doula February 26, 2024

In this episode of the Birth Education Center podcast, Darla Burns, postpartum doula trainer is back to talk to parents. There are so many ideas of what a postpartum doula is and what is included in their scope of practice. If breastfeeding is your long-term…

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How to Become a Postpartum Doula

By: Care Messer Doulas, Podcast, Postpartum January 18, 2024

I want to say this show is for doulas and childbirth educators BUT – there is also so much good information for parents in here! In this podcast episode, Darla Burns, a long time CAPPA postpartum doula trainer discusses the multifaceted role of postpartum doulas.…

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Creating a Postpartum “No Judgment Zone”

By: Jennifer Cole Postpartum May 3, 2021

The first days and weeks of postpartum can be a rollercoaster. From the moment you give birth, your body begins to gradually transition back to its pre-pregnancy version of itself, albeit with some significant changes like lactating breasts and perhaps a stretch mark or two. …

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Postpartum Traditions from Around the World: India

By: Jennifer Cole Postpartum April 5, 2021

In our two previous blogs, we learned about the postpartum traditions of Latin America and China that are still in practice today. What’s been interesting to observe so far is how similar these traditions are to one another despite the geographic and cultural divides of…

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Postpartum Traditions from Around the World: China

By: Jennifer Cole Postpartum March 30, 2021

We are taking some time to learn about how other cultures from around the world handle the period of postpartum in contrast to what we do here in the United States. Or, perhaps more accurately, what we don’t do here in the United States.  As…

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Postpartum Traditions from Around the World: Latin America

By: Jennifer Cole Postpartum March 23, 2021

The postpartum period, aka the fourth trimester, is a critically important transitional time that should focus exclusively on bonding with your baby, healing your body, and adjusting to parenthood. Unfortunately in the United States, the postpartum period is often rushed through or ignored entirely; birthing…

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Setting Boundaries with Family After Baby Arrives

By: Jennifer Cole Postpartum March 15, 2021

Pregnancy brings so many new things into our lives that are both exciting yet often overwhelming because they’re happening to us all at once. While it’s normal and reasonable for us to focus most of our attention on our ever changing bodies and preparations for…

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All group classes are held online with everyone’s cameras on to cultivate the intimacy between families.

We have no date yet for returning to in-person group classes.